Online Examination System
Benefits of Our System

Students can take online and offline exams get alert and notification and view result online.

Save time, cost and manpower. Publish and deliver exam results instantly. Get powerful data driven insights on academic performance.

Strict confidentiality maintained. Eliminate conflict with dynamic scheduling of invigilators. Capture and track incident of student misconduct real time.
Who Can Use Our System?
Everybody who needs an exam to be taken by a group of students. Our Client range from Schools and Institutes to Universities.

For University
Online examination system manages examination work and conduct that has to be executed before the start of the examination process. With the use of Online examination system, examination management related arrangements like time-table, hall tickets, allotments and attendance sheets can be organized efficiently.
For Colleges

For Schools
Now with the help of our online examination management system schools are able to create various kinds of examinations on the basis of grades and marks scored by students. They can also club exams together if the need be. It also helps that these online systems can calculate marks automatically.This can be done for both descriptive as well as objective examinations.This is also something that is expected to benefit the schools a lot.
Our Pricing
Please contact our Sales/ Marketing team for best pricing as per your requirements.
Performance Analysis and Result Reporting System
To make better academic facilities available exam management system needs to be strong with more involvement of parents this becomes possible with Performance analysis and result reporting System.
- Scorecard
- Monthly wise performance and Exam Wise Performance.
- Group wise performance chart.
- Group Ranking
- Time Management, Subject Report, Question Report, Solution, Compare Report.
- Result and Pass certificate in PDF.
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